About Us

We’re from Massachusetts in the northeastern United States. David is a retired software engineer and photographer. Pam is a musician who composes modern classical music for choruses, orchestras and chamber music ensembles. She has played horn in several Massachusetts orchestras for many years. Check out her music at Spindrift Music Company and Bandcamp. She takes photos too.

In 2022, we started getting ready to move to Portugal, a big adventure! We made two scouting trips, after attending a couple photography workshops. Read about our scouting trips and other travels with the links on the Travel menu.

In 2023, we’re updating the blog to talk about our moving experiences. Check out the new Portugal menu (when it’s ready) to see our settling-in diary.

Mercado de Alvalade Norte, Lisboa, PT

Elsewhere on the Web

Here are some links to our other websites:

Honeycreeper Images at Zenfolio – photos of our travels

Spindrift Music Company – about Pam’s music and composing activities

Spindrift Music Store – for PDF downloads of Pam’s music

Spindrift on Bandcamp – albums of nature-inspired recordings, electroacoustic compositions

Recipes – an archive of recipes that we have made and want to remember