Holiday Turkey Dry Brine

Quantities for an 10 to 12 lb turkey:

For reference see:


2 tbsp. kosher salt (1 tablespoon of salt for every 5 to 6 pounds of turkey)
1 tbsp. light brown sugar
6 tbsp. melted butter
Freshly ground black pepper
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves
1 tsp. paprika
Pinch crushed red pepper flakes (optional)


  • Three days before you plan on cooking your turkey, start the brining process: remove turkey from fridge and remove giblets from the cavity. Pat turkey completely dry with paper towels.
  • In a small bowl combine salt and sugar. Rub salt mixture all over bird, concentrating on thicker parts of meat, like the breast. Also, carefully separate the skin from the breast meat and work the dry brine under the skin so that it’s in direct contact with the meat. Place turkey into a roasting pan or other deep sided pan. Cover and refrigerate for 2 days.
  • The day before planning to roast, uncover turkey and drain any liquid in the bottom of the pan. Refrigerate, uncovered, for 1 more day.
  • An hour before you plan to roast, remove turkey from fridge and pat dry with paper towels. Let sit at room temperature for 1 hour.

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